If you’re like most bloggers, you probably spend a good portion of your day managing your content and taking care of other tasks that are required to run a blog. At times, it can be difficult to find the time to blog without feeling guilty when you know how much work it is. One way that you can stay motivated while maintaining your blog is by building your own Mini Box Template and using personalization software to make it uniquely yours. By following this handy tutorial, you’ll be able to take charge of your workload with minimal effort.
What Is A Mini Box Template?
A mini box is an easy and inexpensive way to organize your makeup. All you need is a small container, some colorful fabric, and a few supplies from the craft store. You can make your mini box or use one of the many premade Mini Box templates available online. To make your mini box, start by locating a small container that will fit your needs.
I used a plastic jewelry box because it’s small and has a lid that flips open. You could also use an old cosmetic bag, shoebox, or even a cereal box. Next, gather some fabric supplies. You’ll need about 8 inches of fabric for the top and sides of the box, plus enough for a seam allowance on all sides.
I used coordinating print fabric because it was pretty and bright. However, any kind of colorful fabric would work! To create the Mini Box Template, download one of these free templates: After downloading the template onto your computer, print it out onto paper that’s larger than your container (8×10 inches is good).
Cut out the template using scissors or a knife and then place it over your container. Make sure all the edges line up correctly so you don’t have to do any sewing later on! Now it’s time to start sewing! Start by Sewing Along One Edge of the Template With A Straight Stitch And A Length Of Fabric About Half The Width Of Your Container (I Used 2 Feet Of Fabric).

Components Of A Mini Box Template
Making your mini box is a fun way to show off your personality and add some extra storage to your home. There are many different components you can use for a mini box, so it’s up to you what you choose. To make your mini box, you’ll need:
- A small cardboard box
- Glue or staples
- An image or patterned paper
- Scissors
- Ruler or measuring tape
- Hot glue gun and glue stick Optional Supplies:
- Embroidery floss -Embellishments (buttons, sequins, leaves, etc.)
- Matte or pearl finish spray paint
Start by cutting out the patterned paper or image of your choice onto the cardboard box lid. Make sure to leave enough space around the image so that it will print correctly when glued down. If using a digital file, be sure to provide high-resolution copies for printing as close to true size as possible (resizing won’t result in accurate printing).
Remember that the smaller the image is printed, the less noticeable it will be once glued down. Allow adequate time for prints to dry before proceeding. Once your patterned paper has dried, firmly adhere it to the lid with hot glue. (If using an image online, remember to blur any background elements before attaching.)
DIY Mini Box Template
If you’re like most people, you love getting mail but hate having to sift through all the junk to find your favorite magazines or gifts. That’s where a mini box comes in handy! You can make your personalized mini box at home in minutes using a simple template. All you need is a small cardboard box and some supplies from your local craft store. Here’s how to make your mini box:
- Start by cutting a small hole in the top of the box big enough for your pen to fit through.
- Next, write or draw a personal message on the inside of the lid of the box. You could also add a photo if you’d like.
- Add any desired embellishments to the outside of the lid, such as stickers, buttons, or ribbons.
- Now it’s time to decorate the inside of the box! Fill it with goodies like magazines, candy bars, or gift cards.
Use your imagination! Your mini box is now ready to give away as a gift or keep for yourself! Thanks for letting us share this easy tutorial with you!
Recipe: Minibox Cookies
Making your own personalized Mini Box Template is easy and fun with this DIY template. Simply print out the template, cut it out, and decorate as you please! You can use whatever supplies you have on hand to make your mini-box look unique and special. This recipe for minibox cookies features a fun Khaki & Grey color scheme that can be customized to any palette. To make these cookies, you will need:
- -1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature
- -1 cup granulated sugar
- -1 large egg
- -1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- -2 cups all-purpose flour
- -1 teaspoon baking powder
- -½ teaspoon baking soda
- -Pinch of salt
- -Khaki green paint (or any other light green)
- -Grey paint (or any other dark green)
- -Small balls of DecoArt chalk or small craft punches (optional)
- -Cookie sheet